Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa

Giveaway ends Sunday, July 22nd at 9pm.  Winner announced Monday, July 23rd.

If you are looking for a little (or a lot) of extra cash look no further than your kids' closets.  Back to School ads are already in full force and we all know that heading back to school can get expensive.  Whether you are planning to shop and/or consign, Rhea Lana of South Tulsa really is the way to go.

If you're like me and you need to see for yourself the ladies of Rhea Lana have put all the information you need to know right at your fingertips.  Here are all the ways you can get in contact with them...



Phone Number

I really suggest you join their mailing list AND 'Like'-ing them on Facebook.  It's just perfect for updating you on sales and information.  They don't bombard your email with unnecessary junk or post ridiculous items into your feed.  They only update you on pertinent information that keeps you informed of deals, tips, and giveaways.  Speaking of giveaways, I've got one for you right now!!!!!!!!

How about a $20 Gift Certificate to the sale???

Of course I'm going to ask you to do something.  First put your left hand on your right cheek palm side out.  Then lift up your left foot.  While holding your hand to your face and lifting up your left foot, hop three times. Did you do it?  Of course not.  That would be ridiculous (however, if you did do it, will you tell me so I can laugh?).  

In all seriousness, I'm only going to ask you to...
  • Join their mailing list from their website.
If you do both, guess what?  I'll give you two entries 'cause I'm generous like that.  All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you did.  If you do not have a Google Account, you can leave a comment under 'Anonymous' (just leave your name in the comment).  

If you have already joined their mailing list and/or 'Like' Rhea Lana of South Tulsa, you are not out of luck.  Just let me know and I will count ya' in...and I will be checking people!!!  No liar, liar pants of fire-s.  Got it! Don't make me pull out my teacher skills on cheatin' and lyin'.  Them are some fine tuned skills...


  1. I am signed up for their e-news! Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. And I liked them on facebook too.

  3. Ok, you & Kristy have me curious about Rhea Lana! I've only done JBF thus far & it's made us good money but I would appreciate a higher return without having to volunteer tons of time (and be away from E who refuses the bottle...not a good situation for daddy if I'm gone for 5 hours!). I had already "liked" RL but just added myself to the mailing list. Awesome giveaway, thanks for sharing!

  4. I am already signed up for both and consigning a ton of great stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Melinda Rowan

  5. I like Rhea Lana on Facebook (Jennifer Cagle Croley). Thanks!

  6. I've already joined their mailing list and liked them on FB! Thanks!
    Gina Stanford

  7. I had already liked RL on fb and am on their mailing list :)

  8. I did both!!!! ;)

  9. I liked them on fb!
    Tara Martin

  10. I liked them on FB and joined the mailing list! I also signed up to consign but there is no spot to say you refered me. Let me know how to let them know so you can get credit for it!

  11. I am already signed up for both as well!!

  12. I'm already on their mailing list and I just liked them on facebook. Yay, for free money!

  13. Ok, I subscribed to their mailing list and was already a FB friend! I love me some Rhea Lana!!!

  14. I did it! :-)
    thanks! Christen robinson
