Monday, July 16, 2012

Menu Monday

My wittle, bitty, baby turns 5 months old today.  FIVE.  Where has the time gone?  He's such a little blessing  to our family.  Little Miss and Little Man adore him, and his parents are wrapped around his chubby little thighs.  Gosh, that boy melts my heart.

Today I will sit and rock him and hold him and kiss him and talk baby talk to him all day long.  Then maybe, just maybe, I'll make his brother, sister, and dad some dinner.  Maybe.  I do have something planned though...

Monday-Hamburgers, Pineapple Salsa and Tortilla Chips
Tuesday-(I still haven't made this) Sweet-n-Sour Chicken, Veggie Saute with Brown Rice
Wednesday-Chicken Tortilla Bake and Salad
Thursday-Man Pleasing Chicken, Wild Rice, Green Beans with Onions
Friday-DaTe NiGhT +1 (Chubby Cheekers goes where the milk twins go)
Saturday-Pizza, Salad, Cheesy Bread
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's, right Mom, right?  Hint, hint!


  1. I made this last night and it was so easy and delicious!!!

    Crockpot Zesty Chicken

    1 package of raw chicken tenderloins
    1 package taco seasoning
    1 package Ranch seasoning
    1 can chicken broth

    Combine the broth and seasonings; mix well.
    Add the chicken.
    Cook on high for 4 hours or low 5-6 hours.

    After it's cooked, shred with a fork.
    I served it on heated corn tortillas with sauteed onions and peppers. I topped it with a little fat free sour cream and cilantro.

  2. I used to take Colton with me everywhere too. Then I had to go back to work so I pumped and he had bottles.
    Do you ever pump? Has Mason had a bottle yet?

  3. I do pump and have tons of milk I the freezer, but chubby Cheekers won't always take a bottle so we just tote the boy along. He and the boobies are bff's!

    Thanks for the recipe. I'll be trying that one!

  4. I do pump and have tons of milk I the freezer, but chubby Cheekers won't always take a bottle so we just tote the boy along. He and the boobies are bff's!

    Thanks for the recipe. I'll be trying that one!
