Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Love Joe...A Lot

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For the past three years, I've had two loves.  Steven and Joe.  I don't really talk about Joe much because he's kind of my dirty little secret.  He's a little pick me up when I'm feeling low.  Joe and I first met shortly after having Little Miss.  She was having difficulties sleeping at night which was giving me difficulties waking up in the morning.  Without Joe, I would be sluggish.  I would pull myself from bed and Steven would have Joe ready to go.  My hot cup of joe!

Now I enjoy one small cup of coffee every morning.  Heavy on the hazelnut creamer.  I used to think drinking coffee was ridiculous.  If you were tired, then go to bed earlier.  Then I had multiple kids and I began to realize sleep was a luxury I only get to enjoy on rare occasions.

So here's to all you coffee drinkers reading this blog and sipping on your coffee.  Enjoy my friends, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love coffee with one splenda and the skinny caramel machiatto creamer!
