Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hell Hath Frozen Over

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My beautiful baby boy is STILL waking once a night.  Little booger.  Good thing he's cute because I don't get up for everybody.  In fact, I get up for few people.

Since Chubby Cheekers is waking me, I have quit my morning exercise routine for sleep. After all sleep is an intricate part of health.  At least that's the excuse I use.  However, I am already up and on mile 1 by the time you even read this.  I never thought I would do this.  Ever.  The only thing I can equate to me getting up early and waking during the night is...

Hell has frozen over,
the pigs have flown,
and the fat lady sang.


Tomorrow is going to be even worse.  I'll be up and at a friend's Bootcamp at 5:30am!  The fat lady is really singing on this one.  All this exercise is simply because I'm still jiggling in the mid section, and the only thing that should be jiggling is jello.  Not me.  I'm living with a new motto...

But, honestly, I may be running forever to stop all that I got goin' on.

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