Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not This Time

Last week I wrote about missing Little Man's first high diving experience.  The experience I missed.  I'm still seeking counseling over my error.

Last Friday, Little Man had another opportunity.  I didn't miss it.  Not this time.  I had my camera out, but failed to capture the pic fully because I didn't want to watch from behind the camera.  I wanted the full experience.

He was so brave.  Before his class could even finish getting out of the water, he was already at the bottom of the ladder.  He climbed right up, walked across, looked at me, and jumped.  My heart swelled with pride.  This moment was big for him.  He didn't have fear.  He just did it.  This is what we prayed for him.  The 'Can Do' attitude.

Little Man really excelled in his class.  By no means was he the best swimmer the first day, but because he's competitive he was the best by the last day.  One area that I was really impressed with was his work on the kickboard.  On the first day he was just figuring out how to balance his weight with the board, but on the last couple of days he was the lead kicker.  

On one occasion I caught him super far ahead of his group.  I went over to congratulate him on a job well done, when he ripped off his goggles like he was Micheal Phelps and said...

Well, I'll let you take a little quiz on what he said.  Let's see how well you know my boy.  Just remember, he is a small version of his father.

After beating everyone, did Little Man say...

A.) "Wow!  I did a really good job."
B.)  "I can't believe I won."
C.) "Man, I'm killin' folks!"

If you guessed "C", you are completely right.  I couldn't help but laugh when I heard him.  He's definitely not hurting in the self-esteem category.  So here's my boy, killin' folks...

As for Little Miss, she also did swim lessons.  However, she thought she was at a swim party everyday.  Her poor teacher. Such a young guy with a little spitfire.  I prayed for him everyday.  Here's Little Miss in all her swim glory...

And swim lesson wouldn't be complete without a pose with her cousin...

If you're wondering about Chubby Cheekers, he was there too.  Every day except one.  His Grammy took  pity on him.  She came over to babysit so he could get a full morning nap.  However, every other day he was doing this...

Please excuse my facial expression.  I'm obviously deep in thought.

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