Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Weekend of Firsts

This past weekend we broadened our horizons.  We branched out.  We didn't do the norm.  We didn't even do Saturday/Sunday morning breakfast.  We broke up the monotony and lived on the edge.  As much of the edge that you can live on with a 4 month old, 3 year old, and 5 year old. 

Saturday morning we were up and out the door.  For years I have wanted to visit our local berry farm to pick fresh berries.  For years Steven gave me the eye roll.  For years I didn't give up.  All that persistence paid off because I got him to go, and he enjoyed himself.  Just check us out...

Photo: My family pick'n blueberries and blackberries at Thunderbird berry farm. Enjoyed it


That's us getting our blueberries on.  We opted for the Pick and Share route.  For every 2 lbs you pick, you get a lb for free.  Apparently we were quite the pickers.  We ended up with 1.5 lbs of blueberries and 1.5 lbs of blackberries for free.  Little Man was the champ of all champ pickers.  He had a difficult time walking by a bush full of berries and not want to pick them all off.  He's a boy after my own heart.  I can assure you that berry picking will be our next date.

On next 'first' was on Sunday morning. Our good friend was participating in a local biking event.  We were pleasantly surprised how much we enjoyed watching all the bikers.  His leg of the race was 30 miles, and he came in at the front.  We were super proud of him.  The 'professional' bikers were riding 120 miles and flying down hills and turns.  We were all amazed, especially me.  120 miles?  No thank you.  I don't even like to do 120 miles in the car, let alone pedaling myself for that long.  

After we finished watching the bikers, we visited a tent that had a course set up for kids.  They offered Strider Balance Bikes for the kids.  Each kid got a race number and a ribbon upon completion.  I loved watching Little Man and his main gal race each other.  Those two monkeys were so competitive with each other.  So awesome.  Little Miss and her self-claimed BFF were doing great just learning how to balance themselves.

Photo: They all got 1st place 

Photo: Focused

Our last first was flying kites.  Unfortunately the kites were not so good, but we had fun.  My mom has all the pics on her camera, so I'll post those when she forwards them on to me.  Moms...they're so great.

If you're wondering about Chubby Cheekers, he didn't ride the balance bikes or pick berries or fly kites.  Poor guy just gets to come along for the ride.  I'm sure he'll have lots to say about that on his weekly post.

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