Monday, June 18, 2012

Menu Monday

Life was slow going this weekend.  A weekend that focused solely around one precious baby.  During his long naps I was able to accomplish a list a mile long.  I stand in awe of how I can maintain a tidy house when there is no one to untidy it. I've had time to do what I want, when I want, thanks to a baby who goes with my flow.  He just wants to be near me.  Need to clean a bathroom...just bring the blankie, lay him in the hall, and talk to him while I clean.  Such a little happy camper.  I'm counting my blessings.

As little as my dishwasher was ran, and as small as my laundry pile is, I miss the rest of my family.  They will arrive home today.  I'll be in the driveway waving them in.  Gosh I miss them.  I may even blow the dust off my dishes since I've mooched off my friends and family for meals this weekend.  Yes sirree...the dust must come off 'cause I gots me some kids to feed.

Monday-Grilled Chicken Sandwiches, Fruit Salad, Smashed Potatoes
Tuesday-Dinner out to celebrate Father's Day
Wednesday-Hamburgers and Taco Dip
Thursday-Bowtie Lasagna, The Bread, Salad
Friday-Going to visit the Grandparents
Saturday-Still visiting...
Sunday-BBQ Meatballs, Corn Casserole, Green Beans

It's off to bed for least to do a little reading.  Yep, I've had time for that this weekend.  My book of choice  Black Heels to Tractor Wheels.  I'm finally getting to read The Pioneer Woman's book...from my iPad.  The laziest way to read a book ever.  Just prop it up in the case and touch the screen to turn the page in my pitch black room.  When the Sandman comes to take me to dreamland, there's not even a lamp to click off.  That's my kind of reading.  Totally relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. Totally feeling you on all of this. Whether Jimmy is gone on a business trip for 2-3 days or Kiera is spending the night with the grandparents, cooking is pointless and I miss them both like crazy. However I haven't been home alone overnight in 5+ years. The house just doesn't feel the same without everyone there.
