Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our Little Big Boy

I know I was supposed to write about how I came to know about Tulsa Gold and Gems, but I ran out of time to blog.  We were celebrating little big boy's Pre-K Graduation.  Hard to believe his first year of school is over.

He is made such huge accomplishments this year.  I am so proud of his character, strong will (yes, you read that right), leadership, compassion, and mind.  He is our joy. 

I have high hopes to blog for the remainder of the week, but summer starts tomorrow for us.  Today I'm spending the day with Little Man at his Super Kids' Day on the last day of school.  As for the rest of the week, we are going to enjoy the first days of summer together as a family.  If blogging fits into the schedule, I'll consider myself a master of time management!

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