Tuesday, May 22, 2012


When you really believe God for big things, you get big things.  Last week was a real testimony for believing God in the Torres household.  A few weeks back Steven and I prayed for blessing over our family.  Fast forward a couple of weeks and I entered a few contests.

The first contest was super easy.  Be one of the first people to share Elliot Roofing on you facebook page and they would mail you two free movie tickets.  Done, and got 'em...

Free date night?  Don't mind if I do.

The very same day I entered a contest at Tulsa Gold & Gems.  All you had to do was leave a comment for the price they were paying for gold, share it on facebook, and then have a friend give you a shout out.  All that for 3 entries.  Thanks to my friend, Erica, I got my three entries in, and I WON this...

Not the most flattering picture, but that's an iPad 2 I hold in my hands!  Do you see my excitement?  Never would Steven and I have purchased what we consider a luxury item like that right now.  It is such a huge blessing to have won such a cool prize.  I don't think a day has passed that I haven't said, "I can't believe I won this."  So now I'm trying my hardest to get with the times and figure this thing out.  So far I've figured out how to check out eBooks from the library which is the coolest thing!

Anyway, I'd just like to let you know that when you truly believe that God will do great things for you, when you really believe He hears your prayers, and will answer you, you will receive.  So thank you GOD!

Tomorrow I'd like to share my experience at Tulsa Gold and Gems.  I actually sold a piece of jewelry there that was a blessing in itself.  Pretty cool story.

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