Friday, May 25, 2012

Tulsa Gold & Gems

Tulsa Gold & Gems, Inc.

Almost every time I do a coupon workshop, I get asked about Tulsa Gold & Gems.  I think because Money Saving Queen talks often about their great pricing of gold, but I could be wrong.  Maybe it's her TG&G wrapped SUV, no?  Anyway, I really hadn't had any experiences with them until a few weeks ago.

Before I can tell how much I made and what I took in, I need to go back a decade.  Yes, TEN years.

When Steven and I were first married, he still worked at a local golf course keeping the greens.  He was up early mowing greens when he stumbled across a man's gold wedding band sitting in the cart path.  He picked it up and tried to turn it in to the pro shop.  They didn't want it.  Apparently lots of wedding rings get lost out there.  Who knew?

After work, Steven brought the ring home and we kind of laughed about it.  What in the world were we going to do with a man's wedding band?  I chunked into one of my jewelry boxes, and totally forgot about it.

Fast forward 10 years and you'd find me cleaning out the above mentioned jewelry box.  I saw that ring and decided to try out Tulsa Gold and Gems.  After all it, we didn't need it.

When I arrived at Tulsa Gold and Gems I was super impressed with the security.  There is someone right outside the entrance door to let you in.  Then you take a private elevator up to the 2nd floor where they buzz you in.  I felt completely safe.  Not to mention how convenient it was to have a doorman.  Carrying a car seat with a heavy baby and beautiful 3 year old is not an easy feat.  That someone else got the door for me won some huge bonus points for me.

I digress.

Once inside, I let the worker know that I was interested in selling the ring.  I waited maybe 5 minutes for the item to be inspected before he was back ready to inform me of the ring's worth.  I was thinking maybe $50 if I was lucky.  I about fell over dead when he told me they would pay $215 cash for the ring.  Excuse me?  $215?  Uh, yes please.  I signed a form stating how long I owned the ring and that once it was sold, I would not be able to get it back.  No problem, and I walk out with cash money.

Not only was I a couple hundred richer, but if I went home and wrote a short testimony on Facebook and on their website, then Tulsa Gold and Gems would mail me a $10 check.  I did it and got my check within days.  So fast and so easy.

Not only did I get the couple hundred and an additional $10 check, but I also got a status on my facebook feed to enter a contest to win an iPad 2.  Entered and won the dang thing!  Can you believe it?  I surely couldn't!

I am so thankful for little blessings.  Who would have known that a men's wedding band would bless us so richly ten years later.  

In conclusion, if you have some gold that is of no use to you I highly, highly recommend Tulsa Gold and Gems.  Efficient friendly workers, great pay outs, a generous owner, and safe environment.  What more could you ask for?  Not much, right?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! But it does make me sad for the guy that lost his wedding ring ;(
