Monday, January 2, 2012

Menu Monday

Happy New Year!!!

I'm not real big on New Year's Resolutions.  I've never had one, and I don't know if I ever will.  You can just call me a slacker.  Despite my lack of resolutions, we did have a wonderful NYE.  Our good friends came over for dinner and a short game night.  Their boys needed to get home for baths and bed.  Our kids operate the same.    They need their sleep.  So with the Kueny's gone by 8:30pm and Steven and I in bed by 10pm, I realized I'm old.  Old and in love with it.  No going out.  No staying up to ring in the new year.  Just ultimate relaxation. For this 8 month preggo chic, it couldn't have been a better night.

Enough of my uneventful NYE, you're here to see what we're consuming this week.  Here it is...

Monday-Seasoned Pork Chops, Broccoli Casserole, Buttered Bread
Tuesday-Fried Drumsticks, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Wednesday-Turkey Veggie Spaghetti and Seasoned Green Beans
Thursday-Crockpot BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Baked Potatoes, Mac-N-Cheese
Friday-Grilled Chicken and Veggies with Cheesy Biscuits
Saturday-Pasta e Fagioli, Salad, Breadsticks
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's???

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