Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Loft Bed Has Arrived

The loft bed made it's way into our home on the last day of 2011.  What a great way to end the year for Little Man.  He's had so many wonderful accomplishments in 2011 it only seemed fitting that he be rewarded with total awesomeness.  A big thank you goes out to my mom's husband for spending over 65 hours on this bed.  I literally handed him a picture of a loft bed from Pottery Barn, told him what I wanted differently, and he took over.  Working all hours of the night he built the bed so sturdy that our whole family can crawl up there for bedtime stories.  And yes, this preggo mama has been up there numerous times already.  It's been so fun watching Little Man enjoy his new floor space and I'm enjoying seeing the floor to his closet now that he has some more shelving to put toys at the end of his bed.  It's a win-win for both of us.Posted by Picasa

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