Thursday, December 8, 2011

Must Make To Eat. Period.

I like simple things.  I like tasty things.  I like to eat.  All three of these items are wrapped up into this...

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Deliciousness in a pan. 

If you haven't had the opportunity to make these Hawaiian Sweet Roll Ham Sammies, do it.  There really shouldn't be anything stopping you.  Unless you are vegetarian. Then you really shouldn't eat anything I post to this blog.  We like our meat around here.  Oh yes we do.  Our meat and our desserts.  It's a wonder why we aren't contestants on The Biggest Loser.


  1. I am going to make these again soon!! They are awesome!!

  2. We just made a Pinterest recipe last weekend that was so good and I have another one to try this weekend. Those sammies look really good right now!
