Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Spending Update

I only have 2 small gifts left to buy.  Everything else is done and wrapped.  Even the stocking stuffers.  This may be the earliest I've been done ever.  It feels good.  It also feels good that I only spent what we had.  No looming debt hanging over me to be paid next month. 

Here's the total so far...

Total Spending: $517.48
Total Savings:   $492.76

If I didn't purchase items on sale with coupons I would have been at a total of $1010.24.  Instead I shopped for about half that price, AND purchased everything that was on the lists of the people we buy for. 

Here's one little tip for you...

SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS!!!  Almost every store does price adjustments.  Just the other day I walked back into Target and recieved $10 back because an item had gone on sale.  If I didn't have my receipt, or wasn't aware of how much I originally paid, I would have lost out on $10.  I've done this multiple times with clothing stores.  A few years back I received almost $100 back in my hand for price adjusting.  There is a catch though.  Most places only give you a 2 week window, and you can only adjust one time.  Use your adjustments wisely! 

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the savings!! I always keep every single receipt and calculate how much I have saved. I will be finishing up my shopping this weekend.
