Friday, December 9, 2011

It Just Keeps Getting Bigger

You're about to see a whole lotta me.  More specifically, my preggo belly.   I hope you don't go blind...

I think all the growth that came in the last 4 weeks was a direct result of Thanksgiving. I enjoyed it...three times around. Maybe I'll be able to contain myself over the Christmas Holiday. Nah, that's when I do all my baking of the goodies. So, basically, I'm going to look like I'm carrying twins.

I would also like to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband who is 33 years old today.  Next week I'll do a little tribute to him by revealing 33 things about him.  He's quite the character so it shouldn't be too hard.

Happy Birthday, Steven! 
You know I love you.  Bunches.
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  1. I personally love baby bellies! Lookin' good there!! You didn't mention how well the weight gain is still going...ok I am being optomisitic for you.
