Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baby #3's Room

Well the Littlest Man will make his debut in a few months, and true to Torres fashion, we are getting some things done.  When it comes to projects for our upcoming babies, we get things ready early.  So here's a little info on baby #3's room.

When we built our house we nixed the formal dining room. Steven and I didn't see the practicality of having a formal dining room that was separate from the kitchen.  Our families like to eat in one area together.  Instead of having a wasted space, we decided to turn it into a fourth bedroom.  A decision that have proved to be very wise for us.

This is what the space looked like before we knew baby # 3 was coming...

Of course it has carpet now, but other than that it looked pretty much the same.  Nothing really in the room except items we really didn't have a place for.  In a way, it became the catch-all room.  At least the closets did.  We like to hide our clutter around here.  You know...give you the impression that we have it all together.  We're a bunch of pretenders.

Welp, once we knew baby #3 was going to be reality for this family, I started planning.  Or shall I say Pinterest'ing'.  I searched and searched for ideas.  The room is not as big as Little Man's and Little Miss', but it has a certain quaintness to it with the window seat and separated closets. 

At first I thought I wanted to paint the walls gray and have yellow accents for the walls, but then I started thinking that wouldn't be enough color.  Sooo, we went with this color...

I wasn't too sure about the baby blue-ish colors hitting the walls as Steven was painting, but I kept telling myself to trust the color palette I picked out.  However, it was looking really blue.  Thankfully, Steven got a fire under his britches and immediately began priming and painting furniture we already had and were going to utilize in the baby's room (an old armoire cabinet and Little Miss' old crib).  Once those items came in it helped me to see not so much blue.
 {Little Miss' crib that used to be black, now gray}

{Old armoire cabinet that used to be black as well, now gray}

As for the walls, we are searching for vintage sport items that go along with these pics...

These used to be in Steven's office a couple of years ago until he decided he didn't want them anymore.  What I'm trying to decide is what color to spray paint the frames.  Do I go with all once color, or three different colors?  And then there's this little beauty I found on Pinterest...

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Of course the colors are all wrong, but the concept of the peg board above the changing table I LOVE! One thing I haven't decided is what I want to do with the window seat.  It has hinges and storage inside, but I also saw this on Pinterest and I kinda thought it was cool....

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Maybe add a cusioned window seat cover and cushy pillows with curtains in a just right vintage print/  I just haven't decided if it will make the room look even smaller.  Basically, I need some opinions.  What to do?  What to do?  Feel free to chime in on all aspects of this room so I can get yet another item checked off my long term task list!


  1. I think curtains eould make the room look smaller. You could DIY a simple awning. I have seen them around online but people usually put one over their sink in the kitchen. Two tension rods and some fabric, thats it!

  2. I love the pegboard idea! Too cool!

    And I think the frames need to be 3 different colors.

    Love the color and can't wait to see the rest of the room once it is finished!

  3. I like the peg board too!

    I think the frames should be all one color, possible grey like the furniture.

    You could do the curtain idea but, instead of having them meet in the middle, have them more open to the sides. This might help with not making the room feel too small.

    Love the idea of a window seat with pillows and shelves for books!

  4. Love the colors you have chosen and how great the grey on the crib looks!! Really love the vintage sports pics too! So cute!
