Monday, December 19, 2011

30 Weeks

I'm in the 30's!  30 weeks of carrying this baby boy.  It's going by a little too fast.  I actually filled out my pre-registry papers yesterday.  A little weird.  In about 10 weeks, give or take a few, I'll be a mom of three kids.  I really can't wrap my mind around that right now. 

I'm not sure if I've ever shared this, but ever since we found out I was pregnant with Little Man,  Steven and I would take a picture on the same day I had a doctor's appointment.  We get an ultrasound and picture of the baby every visit so it just seemed appropriate to add a photo of the baby inside my belly and out.  I'm really glad we've kept this up for all three kids.  It's pretty cool to look back and see how differently I've carried all three kids.

The 30 week picture is probably one of my favorites.  Not because of my gigantic self, but it documents Little Man and Little Miss so accurately in this moment.  Little Man cannot get enough of basketball right now.  He just started his first team.  He carries that ball with him everywhere he goes.  He even sleeps with it in his bed.  Little Miss just likes to pretend she has a baby in her tummy too.  She's holding her baby up just like me.  Funny, funny girl!


  1. You look beautiful! And the kids? Adorable as ever. So blessed by you....

  2. you look amazing! I love your outfit. The kids are so cute too. Being a mom of 3 kids is so fun. But also hard. You guys (the parents) are outnumbered! Haha!

  3. Love it! I would love to see comparison picture of you at the same week with all 3 kids.
