Monday, December 19, 2011

Menu Monday

It's another one of those weeks...Christmas parties, volunteering at Celebrate With Family, Christmas Eve Dinner, Christmas Day Dinner...doesn't leave a lot of menu planning on my part.

This year, Rene and Lindsay (the BIL & SIL) are hosting Christmas Dinner at their house.  My side of the family won't be in town and her's will.  Makes it a lot easier on all of us.  This is the first time in a while that I won't be cooking a big meal on Christmas Day.  It actually feels pretty good.  All I have to do this week is the Annual Christmas Baking.  Here's what's on the list...

Cake Balls
Sugar Cookies (made by the kids)

I'm also super excited about our festivities this week.  Little Man has his first school party on Tuesday. 
On Thursday morning some of my friends are bringing their kids over for the first ever Gingerbread House making.  I hope this goes well, because I would love to make it a new tradition for our family and friends.  

It's going to be such a great week! 

What are some of your family traditions for this time of year?

1 comment:

  1. Some of our tradtions include:

    Christmas caroling at the Torres' house. (BTW, we will be there tomorrow night...:)

    Making a gingerbread house.

    Making a special Christmas morning breakfast.
