Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Believe In Public School

This is Little Man's Pre-K class and his teacher.  You can find him in the gray shirt cuddled up next to his teacher.  It's been a wonderful, wonderful year.

Being a former public school teacher I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of schooling.  Despite it all, I still believe in public schools.  It may not be for all families or children, but I would be lying if I said it hasn't been a blessing to our family this year.  Little Man has a phenomenal teacher who fosters a love of learning in all of her students.  He loves attending school, and he has grown academically in ways I could not have done on my own.  I'm truly thankful for the partnership we have with his teacher.

In the five short months Little Man has been in school, we have witnessed him not only master all of his letters, but their sounds and how to write them in upper and lower case.  When I sent him to school he maybe had between 10-15 letters mastered.  He didn't have the intrinsic motivation to work on them at home until he began school with other children.  I no longer have to motivate him extrinsically to work on academics at home, he asks.  He has a drive to learn how to read and write. 

If you are looking for the best fit for your child, don't immediately discount public school.  I truly believe some of the best teachers teach in public schools.  It just take a lot research and prayer to get your child in the right place.  Maybe one of these days our research and prayer may lead us to a private school, but right now public school has served our family well, and I am proud to say my child attends a public school!

1 comment:

  1. I believe in them too.

    I still want uniforms and year-round school (with more breaks).

    But this is coming from a full-time working mom who thinks its hard to find "daycare" for my older 2 for 3 long months during the summer. LOL!
