Monday, November 7, 2011

Menu Monday and My Little Boy x5

Little Man hit a monumental mark yesterday.  He turned 5.  My precious little baby is now heading into mega boyhood.  If I wasn't sure of this, his requests for gifts sure sealed the deal.  If you are against little boys having guns, you should probably stop reading.  My little 5 year old boy asked for a gun that has a strap so he can carry it like a hunter climbing through the mountains.  Then his father one up-ed him and purchased a fake M16.  He pretty much thinks he's a hunting Rambo.  I think he's just a cutie pie.
He had a great day.  Presents from us, his Papi, and my mom and her husband.  His party for his closests friends and our family will be next weekend.  We like to stretch out the partying as much as possible.

As for the menu this week, here it is...

Monday-Zucchini Bake, Cheesy Bread, Salad
Tuesday-Dijon Crumb Chicken, Green Beans, Seasoned Potato Wedges
Wednesday-Creamy Chicken and Noodles, Steamed Veggies, and Buttered Bread
Thursday-Frito Chili Pie
Friday-Seasoned Flounder, Trees & Raisins, Cheesy Biscuits
Saturday-Pepperoni Sandwiches and Mozzarella Sticks
Sunday-Dinner @ my mom's

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