Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hot Dogs and A Whole Bunch of Other Stuff

I haven't mentioned anything on this blog yet, but my SIL is pregnant!  She's about 15 weeks and they just found out they are having another little boy.  Chunky Monkey is going to be a big brother.  Rene and Lindsay were really hoping for another boy.  I, on the other hand, was hoping for a girl.  Poor Little Miss.  She's got a whole lot of hot dogs hanging out around her, and so do I.  We girls will have to stick together and make sure we teach all these boys how to aim for the toliet and not the floor when potty training time rolls around for the babies.  In all seriousness, we couldn't be happier for Rene, Lindsay, and Chunky Monkey.  A growing family is such a blessing.

Since we're on the topic of pregnancy, I thought it would be time to show you my growth.  Warning:  This is a full belly shot, and I have on NO make-up.  If gigantic stomaches and bare faces gross you out, simply scroll down with your eyes closed to skip it.  I really won't blame you!  Here it comes...

{Baby #3 @ 24 weeks}

Moving on to non-pregnancy related material, I mentioned yesterday that Little Man turned 5 on Sunday.  It really is hard to believe.  His party is scheduled for this weekend.  He wanted to have an outdoor movie party with his closest friends.  Funny how he's old enough to tell me who he wants at his party.  I hope to post lots of pics from the party because I think it's going to turn out pretty cool.  At least it looks really cool in my mind.

Since my mom is pretty much awesome, she threw him a family party on the night of his birthday.  Decorations and all.  She spoils him, and I love it.  Here's just a few photos from his special day...

Gosh I love him!


  1. I just love the pic. My baby girl and her baby boy. How very sweet. I am one blessed Grammy.

  2. you are so cute! love your tiny little belly. And how cool that these 2 new cousins will be so close in age!

  3. I love seeing pregnant bellies! I always find it funny when family members are pregnant at the same time. I don't know why. Not like you planned it, unless you did and it worked out. Then that's weird. But Happy Birthday Little Man. Hmm, that makes me wonder what you will call this next little man coming along.

  4. Your belly is adorable! You look happy - and as Audrey Hepburn said, "happy girls are the prettiest girls." :)
