Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And He's Off

Little Miss opened up a brand new bike for her third birthday.  Little Miss opened a brand new bike with training wheels for her third birthday.  Little Man was so excited for Little Miss' new bike, but he noticed one thing.  His little sister had training wheels, and he had training wheels too.  It wasn't long before he turned to Steven and said, "Daddy, I want to ride my bike without my training wheels."

There's one thing you should know about my husband.  Once you take a step forward, you don't go back.  He informed me that once these wheels came off, they weren't going back on.  Uh, excuse me?  Did he not realize that this preggo mama wasn't going to spend the week chasing after a four year old on a bike to catch his falls.  I started to protest, but quickly got a hand in my face.  You know, the hand that says, "Stop right there and don't say anymore."  Yep, I got that hand.  I shut up, but I had serious doubts.

At first it didn't go too well.  I think Little Man thought it would be the exact same as riding with his training wheels.  He got frustrated and began to have a fear of falling off.  Steven stuck with him though.  He wouldn't let him quit.  After about an hour, he had him riding with some help.  Lunch time was approaching quickly, and I wanted Little Man to stop on a high note so we took a quick break.  We all ate, and then Little Miss and I went in for naps.  Not the boys.  They stayed out to work on the bike riding.  When I woke up, I stepped outside to see my precious little boy going up and down the street by himself.  Steven had done it.  He got the boy on the bike without the wheels and riding like a professional.  He's amazing! 

So now I have an almost five year old cruisin' the neighborhood without his training wheels.  He rides that bike like a wild thing.  A wild thing from the jungle...

...and his little sister, well, she just does what he does.

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