Thursday, September 15, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

I realize it's barely mid-September, but I was pretty excited to have received my packet for Operation Christmas Child.  OCC is a program that allows families to pack shoe boxes filled of goodies for children all over the world.  You can even track your box's final destination. 

I was so thankful we were able to participate in this program.  It made such an impact on Little Man.  Although our initial shopping was a learning experience about giving, it was a memorable moment for him.  There are times when Little Man says his prayers at night and he prays for the little girl who received the box he packed.  There's something about hearing your child pray for the needs of others that makes my heart swell. 

This year we will do two boxes.  One for a little 5 year old boy, and one for a 3 year old little girl.  Little Man and Little Miss will be responsible for picking out what we will give and wrapping.  Then we will take our boxes to a drop off location, pray for the recipient, and leave our gift.  If there's anything I want my kids to learn, it's we have been blessed.  We, as a family, are to be givers.

If you are interested in participating in this program, go here.  It will tell you how to pack a box and the drop-off locations for your specific area.  Basically, all you need to know.  It's so easy and drop off week isn't until November 14-21.  Plenty of time to shop and give.

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