Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's a...

BABY!  Seriously, did you think I would come out and say it already?  I have to have a little suspense here.  A cliffhanger, if you will?

We had our immediate family over last night (minus Steven's mom, and my dad and brother).  Then we made them choose a team.  Girl or Boy team.  In this family, we like to be right.  Choosing sides was the only way to really show who was right and who was wrong.  Yes, we're dysfunctional.  Functionally dysfunctional.  Does that even make sense?  Nevermind.

Here's the members of Team Girl...
I want everyone to notice my father-in-law's pink shirt.  He wore it all day because he just knew it was girl.  He even called me at 9:00am to tell me.  I really love that guy!

Then there's the members of Team Boy...

Little Man has been praying for a baby brother ever since we told him we were having another baby.  He's super stoked about the idea of a new baby.  Chunky Monkey, well, not so much.  Kidding.  He's excited.  He just doesn't smile in pictures.

Here's the reveal.  I don't think you can see the color mixed into the cupcake batter too well, but just take a look at Rene (Steven's bro).  He's giving the fist pump.   And the fist pump can only mean one thing...

It's a boy! 
These Torres men like the idea of their name being carried on, and I can't blame them. 
It's an honor to be a Torres.

As for me, I've only gained a total of 7 lbs at 16 weeks.  If it sounds like I'm bragging, it's because I am.  I blew up with my first two.  Gaining a total of 40 lbs each with both.  I'm hoping to not go there again.  So far I'm on the right track.  Unfortunately, I can't really say I'm doing too much different than I did with the first babies.  I think God's just having a little mercy on my old lady body.  Here's me (at the end of the day) in all my glory.  Be jealous of my sexy good looks.  Be very jealous.

I hope you know I'm kidding.  There is nothing sexy about me at the end of the day (or at any part of the day).  Nothing.  Period.  The end.  Good night.


  1. Wahoo! Congratulations! I bet Little Man was super pumped. And you look absolutely adorable! :)

  2. Yay! I was going to guess a boy! I am sure Steven thinks you look mighty hot while carrying his child. Even when you are 40 lbs heavier and about to pop! And his opinion is really all that matters in that area ya know!

  3. yay another baby boy!! I think having just one girl is enough for a mother :-) haha! I think you look adorable. I can definitely see a baby bump and it is so cute!!

  4. YAY for boys!! Congratulations! I bet he will be just as handsome as his big brother!
    Hugs girl!
