Friday, September 16, 2011

Party Foods via Pinterest

I have way too many good recipe pins on Pinterest.  I'm making it my life goal to try all the pins I have before Christmas.  In order to acheive my #1 goal (what can I say...I'm ambitious) I think I'll have to make a few pins a week.

Thankfully I've made a few to get me started.  They both classify as great party foods.  Perfect for football season.  Here's the rundown...

These were fairly easy to make.  The most difficult part was not slicing through the entire potato.  I botched a few before mastering my technique.  Once you do the slicing and slatherin' on the good stuff, all they do is sit and bake.  Easy peasy and delicious.  Serve with all kinds of potato dipping sauces...or ranch...whatever.

These are little bites of heaven.  So easy to make and so delicious.  No forks needed for serving.  Just little bite size, finger lickin' pieces.  I think I'll make this babies tomorrow...and the next day...and next day...

I do have one recipe I haven't tried, but it just looks too perfect not to share.  Another finger food perfect for par-tays.

Do these not make your mouth water???

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