Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bread Store...A $$$ Saver

A frugal friend of mine was shocked that I didn't shop at our local bread store.  After much convincing I decided to check it out since it's a mile away from Little Man and Little Miss' gymnastics.  I'm glad I did.  It's a money saver.  Here's what I purchased last week (I usually go once a month)...

7 loaves of whole wheat bread
1 package whole grain bagels
1 package whole grain English muffins

If I were to purchase this in a store it would have easily been $16, but I only paid a little over $6.  The key for me is to shop on Thursdays.  At my local bread store, Thursdays mean double money days.  For every dollar I spend they count it as two and mark it on my card.  Once my card is full, I get to pick two free items off the table (English Muffins and bagels).  Then if I spend over $6, I get an additional free item from the table (1 loaf of whole wheat bread).

I'm sure many of you are wondering how we go through 7 loaves of bread before it goes bad.  Well, we don't.  We do go through a lot of bread, but I only keep one loaf out at a time.  The others go to the freezer.  When it's time for a new loaf, I pull it out to thaw (usually takes 45 minutes) and it's just as fluffy as the day I bought it.  It works for us.

I've had a few questions about the bread's 'freshness'.  In full truth, the bread is just as soft as it is on store shelves.  It is not stale, nor day-old bread.  You should really try it out if you have a bread store near you.  It could save you a few extra dollars, or in my case and extra $10 a month.  Hey, it all adds up!

By the way, tomorrow I'm going to reveal the gender of our baby.  Here's a hint...we already have one! ;)

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