Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Will We Eat?

Almost every morning I'm awakened by my early riser, Little Miss.  It usually comes in the form of, "Mommy, I want breasfast (breakfast)."  I then roll myself off the bed half awake and stumble in the kitchen to make her something.  There's not a whole lot of thought to it.  Maybe the choice of what to make, not how am I going to do it.  We're provided for.  No one is stopping me from feeding my children.  I am not watching my children suffer of hunger pains.  I am not watching my children lay lifeless on the ground wondering if they are going to survive the day.

I'm not sure about you, but the images of the families in Somalia/Kenya bother me so much.  I can't watch the news without my heart being burdened so heavily.  When I look at my well fed children, who have options of what to eat, my heart hurts for those who can't provide for their own families.  Yes, there is a hunger problem in our own community and communities throughout our country, but what's going on in Africa has a special place in my heart.

I think back to a few weeks ago.  I was telling Steven that I needed a new pair of running shoes.  My shoes have a ton of miles on them from the 15K run I completed back in October.  All the training runs and the actual race are on those shoes.  Of course Steven told me to just go get a pair, but I knew the money we had allotted for 'extras' for the month was running low so I was going to wait a week until we started fresh with a new 'extras' allotment.  No biggie.  Another week on already worn shoes wasn't going to kill me.  After all I NEEDED new shoes.

Or do I?  When it comes to the basics of life, new running shoes don't really fit the requirements.  I was made aware of this at church.  We sing this song where the lyrics are something to the effect of...Open up my eyes to the things unseen.  Show me how to love like you have loved me...

If I am really going to love like Christ has loved me, I am going to be concerned about things like starvation of children, and sickeness, and disease.  When it came down to it, running shoes suddenly weren't a need anymore.  They were a want.  I'm not saying we should not have things that are nice or the comforts of life.  We have plenty of comforts over here, but this was a way of God showing me that my needs are always taken care of, and I should help take care of the needs of others.  I have never felt better about giving when I donated all my running shoe money to Samaritan's Purse.  If I'm running and the balls of my feet start to ache, I think about all those little tummies that are being fed because God opened up my eyes to the things unseen.  That feels good.  It gives me purpose for this life.  That may take the question away from parents who wonder, "What will we eat?"

I strongly urge you to check out Samaritan's Purse and the work they are doing in Kenya here or you can watch the video above.  It's well worth your time, and I hope you feel compelled to help be part of the solution.  You will be blessed because of it.  I promise.

AND, for those of you wondering about my feet, I'll be sure to post a pic of my new running shoes once I get them.  It just won't be today!  Today my running shoes went to feed others.  What will your 'running shoes' go towards today?

1 comment:

  1. I love your heart for God, for others, and for having the gift of giving. You make the Father proud. Thank you for inspiring us all to look beyond ourselves.
