Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Boy or Girl?

The Torres parents went to the baby doctor yesterday and we have a pretty good idea about the sex of the baby.  Am I going to tell you today? Well, that wouldn't be much fun would it?  Just giving up information so easily?  No way.  I like slow toture.  I didn't even tell my mama. She's dying to know, but she will have to wait five more weeks for the confirmation appointment.  (Alice, I know this is killing you too and I'm secretly enjoying it.)

Since I'm not 100% mean to the bone, I will share that Little Nugget was quite the mover this time during the ultrasound.  We got a great pic of the spine which ruled out a few major issues that can happen during pregnancy, and saw all sides of the baby.  Front, back, side, upside-down, right side up, twists and turns.  This baby is an atheltic little booger!

Now for the part I'm most excited about sharing.  My weight.  Not my actual weight, but my weight gain.  My first two pregnancies I gained a little over 10 lbs during my first trimesters.  With Little Man I worked out almost everyday and gained 12 lbs.  With Little Miss I walked a few times a week, and gained 10 lbs.  With Little Nugget I've been running just a few times a week, and I've only gained...wait for it...wait for it...2 lbs during my first trimest.  Did you catch that?  TWO POUNDS!  The only way to celebrate that awesomeness is with a piece of my mom's leftover Banana Split Dessert.

Last but not least, I'm ready to show the bump.  It's developed way faster than my other two offspring so I was hesitant to show it off.  However, since I can say I've only gained two pounds I guess I can show 'the bump'.  Are you ready???

You'll have to excuse the nastiness of the out of focus picture, and focus on the size of this belly.  Seriously!  This is me at 11 weeks.  ELEVEN WEEKS!  I wasn't this big with the other two until at least 15 weeks.  This is definitely going to be an interesting pregnancy.  The only positive thing I can think of is people no longer have to wonder if I've let myself go or developed a beer belly.  I officially looked knocked up.  Thanks Steven!


  1. Your right this is probably making Alice crazy! lol! My guess is a girl :). Great job on only 2 pounds that's incredible!

  2. Quit picking on me!! ;-P

    You have the cutest little baby belly I have ever seen! Seriously, its adorable!

    I gained 26 lbs with Emilee, 23 lbs with Zack, and 27 lbs with Colton. But I am a bigger-boned, short girl! Haha!

  3. Yes, my beloved one, you are driving your mother crazy with anticipation. However, I love the baby bump pic and am so proud of your 2 pound gain. I think that little coffee bean is burning some calories for you. He's a wiggly little stinker, right? Or, she's quite the gymnast?
