Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have a little boy.  He looks like this...

He has a heart like this guy...

And because he has a heart like his daddy, he does stuff that melts my heart all the time.  He is exactly what we prayed for before he was born.  He will make his wife very happy one day.  Of course that won't be for another 50 years.

Just fair warning to you.  I'm about to open a bragfest on my little boy who has a heart like his daddy.  I really only have two stories for you.  My first story has to do with a bank, his sister, and two suckers. 

It's the usual routine for the kids to each get a sucker when I go to the bank.  Being such a big guy, Little Man gets to reach in a pull out the suckers.  Yesterday there was a strawberry sucker and an apple sucker.  Little Man really wanted the strawberry sucker, so he handed Little Miss the apple sucker.  After much whining from Little Miss who wants all things pink, Little Man unwraps the strawberry sucker and hands it to his sister.  My heart melted.  Then my heart broke.  I look back in the rearview mirror and Little Man has tears streaming down his face.  He really wanted that sucker, but he gave it to his sister so she could be happy.

The next day, Little Man was talking about how much he wants a little brother.  Of course, Little Miss starts up with her two year old professional whining skills and pouts for a sister.  Little Man sits down beside her on the couch and says, "If you want a sister, you can have one."  Then he turns to me, "Mommy, it's okay.  You can have a girl."

He does things like this for his sister so often, I forget to really reflect on the person he's becoming.  I'm so proud of all his accomplishments at four.  He already shows such strong leadership skills and compassion I know it's nothing that comes from me.  It's all what God has put in him through his daddy.  Steven is an amazing man who has an amazing son.  I'm just thankful to be along for the ride.

Now for Little Miss, she's going to need to marry someone like her daddy.  Lord knows she'll needs a patient, loving man who knows how to put his foot down when it counts.


  1. I am loving this stage in their little lives! Kiera is constantly amazing me with her personality every single day!

  2. you just wanted to show off Steven's (or is it Stephen, I can't remember. I know the other twin is Rene, right?) chest? huh! LOL!

  3. Little Man seems like such a gentle and kind spirit! No wonder Owen always talks about him after church! ;)

  4. Precious boy!! He needs a big kiss from me for those tears! Love this story!
