Thursday, August 4, 2011

What Prayer Can Do

I really debated sharing this story with you today because it's not something I like to think about in detail, but I'm going to because it has a really great lesson for me and probably for you too.

Last week, I took all three kids to Aldi like I usually do.  We have a great system worked out.  Little Miss rides in the actual seat up front because she's the smallest.  She helps me mark the items off the list.  Chunky Monkey sits in the buggy. He's the Cart Manager.  Little Man walks beside me as Inventory Manager.  He gets the items I need and hands them to the Cart Manager so he can put them in the buggy.  It works out brilliantly.  Rarely do we have issues with behavior or rowdiness, because all three kids have a job. 

Everything was going beautifully this trip until we got to the bagging part.  If you've never been to Aldi, after you check out you have to bag your own groceries.  No biggie.  While I bag I ask the kids to put at least one hand on the cart.  They play a game to see who can keep their hand on the longest.  It really was no difference this trip until one of the kids jumped on the side of the cart, still full of groceries, and pulled it forward.  Thankfully, that precious one got out of the way, but Little Miss did not.  The cart probably weighing at least 50 lbs crashed on top of my sweet, barely 25 lbs girl.  She went from standing upright to completely smashed on her back between a cart and tile.  The cart landed completely across her legs all the way up to her chest. 

My first reaction was to grab the cart with one hand and slide her out with the other.  That plan failed miserably.  The cart was too heavy for me to lift with one hand.  Thankfully, a man cashier had jumped up to pull the cart off of her to I could comfort my baby girl.  I remember all of that very clearly, but the events afterward are pretty blurry. I remember trying to calm Little Miss down, checking on Little Man and Chunky Monkey, and some kind older woman who asked if she could bag my groceries. Somehow we all made it out to the car and we were almost ready to leave when a woman grabs me by the arm and asks if she can pray over Little Miss.  I. Broke. Down.  Crying like a big 'ol baby because what the woman was saying was just too unbelievable.

In order to really appreciate the woman's words, I need to back up to the previous night.  Steven and I attended our usual Wednesday night church service.  The messages have been on healing, and Pastor  George shared a story about his daughter that he's shared many times before.  If I ever see you in person, you should ask me about it.  It's an amazing testimony of speaking God's Word for protection over your family.  For some reason, when I was rocking Little Miss that night I had a really strong urge to pray over her health and wellness.  Part of my prayer over her went something like this...

...Lord, I thank you that no weapon formed against her will prosper.  That is it your will for her to well and not sick...

The part that got me the most was the kind woman who asked if she could pray for my baby girl used the exact same words as I did.  That's what got me.  This is how God let me know that Little Miss was well protected.  I am so thankful He did, because when I called the nurse line the most horrid ideas were planted in my mind.  The nurse was wonderful.  She was doing her job letting me know the urgency of getting her in so she could be checked for concussion, broken ribs, internal bleeding, etc.  Of course fear jumped into my heart, but I remembered what I prayed and what the woman prayed weapon formed against her will prosper...

I believed that with all my heart all the way to the doctor's office.  After a lengthy exam, Little Miss was given the all clear.  We basically walked out of the doctor's office with a little scratch on her knee.  A complete miracle.  I know that my prayer and the prayer from that wonderful stranger kept her safe. 

Praying God's Word works. It is His plan to keep you and your family well.  However, we live in a world that is full of Satan's wrath.  It is our job as Christians to know how to protect ourselves against Satan's nasty ploys.  Knowing what the Word says and speaking it is one of the best protectors against weapons formed against us.  I am so thankful I attend a church that teaches this truth.  If I hadn't known this information, I probably wouldn't be watching my precious girl throwing down some Chex Mix right now.  She's happy, healthy, and well.  Thanks be to God.


  1. Amanda, what a beautiful testimony as to what God can do and the power that he has. You can write this knowing that God had Little Miss in the palm of his hand the whole time as well as you. This is a memory that will go down in the books and when she is older you will remind her of this moment. When Amy was little she fell down a whole flight of stairs with no harm done. The wonderful thing is that there were angels there to catch her fall and to help me. Things like this will happen but knowing that God has his hedge of protection around your children will comfort you in those times. God placed angels with you that day. Isn't He Wonderful! (Might go to Aldi's in the evening from now on). Just saying.... :-)
