Friday, August 5, 2011


I love summer.  I do. I love the freedom of long days.  I love the smell of sunscreen on my tan babes.  I love popsicles, slip-n-slides, sprinklers, and such.  But I do not like this heat so much.  It's a little absurd to stay inside all day.  I wish the cooler temps to come and stay.

In all honesty, I love the changing of the seasons.  I love the change from extremes to mild. 100+ degree days over and over really have me longing for fall.  How about you?

Doesn't this look so inviting?  Little sweaters, blankets, a great book, and the people I love.  I can see us all under this tree feeling and breathing the crisp air and maybe, just maybe, a wiff of a fireplace burning.


  1. I am sick of the sweating! Though i am sitting outside right now and its not too bad. Of course it's 5:52 am and the sun isn't up yet!

  2. I'm with you! I love the fall and this heat has been so awful. I hope it doesn't last into late September like some years past!
