Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Pregnancy Day

Hello All.  I'm taking a Pregnancy Day.  What's a Preggo Day you ask?  Well, it's when you've worked tirelessly to get your house spotless for a coupon class and then you bake some goodies so you don't have time to write down what's been floating around in your head.  Really pregnancy has nothing to do with why I didn't type anything out, I just didn't have time.  Nonetheless, I am pregnant and pregnant women LOVE to use that as an excuse (or at least I do), so I'm using it. Not to mention this is my last time to use it as an excuse so I'd better squeeze it in as much as I can.

Hey!  Maybe you can help me out with this.  What's your best, "I'm sorry.  I can't help you with that.  I'm pregnant," excuse.  Do spill.  I might run out of my own excuses and will need to borrow yours...

On a brighter note, I do have a lengthy true story post for you tomorrow.  Just FYI.  You know so you can grab your morning cup of joe and sit down for a good long story.  See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I definitely milked it, but it was actually true. I couldn't get clothes out of the washing machine to put in the dryer because my belly was so big I couldn't reach them, so, I got out of laundry duty for a while :)
