Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rhea Lana Giveaway #2

UPDATE: The winner to the giveaway pass is...


You're name may not be Ginger, and you may not have won the $20 Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's Spending Cash, BUT you could win an early shopping pass.

We all know that the key to finding great deals at consignment sales is getting there early.  Most places you have to volunteer for HOURS and HOURS to get the good deals, but today you don't.  Since the ladies at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa are so generous, they are allowing ONE lucky reader this...

Get ready for it...

Brace yourself...

Get your Depends if you need it...

One lucky reader will receive the oh so coveted...


Yes, you read that right.  A Torres Tidbit-er will not have to volunteer to cut in on the best deals ever.  I only ask that if you win you don't rub it in to the other volunteers.  Like don't go up to a new mom who's wearing her newborn baby and say, "So how many hours did you work?  You should ask me how many I did.  NONE!  Ha. Ha." 

Yeah, that would not go over well.  Since the early shopping day is well...TODAY @ 5pm this giveaway will close at 2pm and I'll announce the winner @ 2:30.  How's that for a fast turnaround???

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog, or on the link that posts to Facebook.  I'm really curious to know what you're looking for at this sale.  So do tell!


  1. 18 - 24 month jeans for Colton! Long sleeve t-shirts. And maybe some size 7 shoes for him also.

  2. Fall clothes for my daughter! 3T to be exact!

  3. Hoping to find some cute 12-18m fall and winter stuff for my super sweet big baby and some 4t clothes (especially) pants for my super cute big boy so that he doesn't have to run around this fall wearing high water pants! Bring on the free pass!

  4. I am quitting your giveaways :-P Ugh!
