Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Super Hero Day

Before I even begin I have to flashback to last week.  We were at the library.  The wonderful librarian (who is the most awesomest ever) announces next week would be Super Hero Day.  The kids are to dress up as their favorite super hero and after storytime they would get to parade through the library.

So now you know the assignment, and you should know I like to follow directions.  To my surprise we were the only ones who followed directions.  With the exception of Little Miss.  Cinderella doesn't really constitute as a super hero costume.  She went as herself.  She was happy with that as long as 'herself' included a wearing a dress.

Anyway.  Little Man and Chunkey Monkey were all pumped to be dressed up, and I was proud of them that they rocked their costumes.  Little Man did get a little embarrassed at first, but then he realized he still looked cool.  That made his mama proud.  It only took him a minute to be okay with being different. 

Here's some little pics to capture the moments...

 {Super Hero Poses}

{Showin' off their gigantic muscles}

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