Wednesday, August 24, 2011

He's Too Sexy

Do you remember this song?

Well, it's Steven's new theme song.  His dark hair, skin, and eyes just seem to have a way of whoo-ing women.  He just doesn't see it in himself.  I tell him to go look in the mirror. Shirt off of course.  Then he rolls his eyes at me and tells me I have to say that. Then I admit that if he had slidden down the ladder in the looks department I wouldn't tell him.  After all, he doesn't tell me.  He values his life too much.

Anyhoo.  Steven had a crazy day at work on Friday.  He was checking on a job site for some exciting safety regulations and ended up having to stay the rest of the day.  Like the awesome daddy he is, he came straight to the hospital as soon as he could.  Ring around the collar and all.  The poor man had been sweating in his work clothes all day long, but he wanted to check on his little girl.

Meanwhile, Little Miss and I were making do with little items of entertainment we had in my purse.  Our nurse was really wonderful.  She came right in as soon as Little Miss needed her IV drip checked and got her anything she wanted or needed that was available.  There were about 4-5 other nurses at the station right outside our door, but only our nurse came in to check on Little Miss' progress.

I stand corrected. Only our nurse came in to check on Little Miss' progress UNTIL my darn sexy husband showed up.  He hadn't been there five whole minutes before another nurse I had not seen comes knocking on the door.

"Oh excuse me.  Is that her machine beeping?"

"No ma'am.  My daughter's is just fine.  Thanks for checking."

"You're more than welcome, sir."

I found it a bit weird, but thought maybe our nurse stepped out a bit and she was asked to listen for the IV drip.  Steven and I continued playing with Little Miss for a few minutes. Then another knock came.

"Are you guys alright in here?  Do you need anything at all?"

"Uhhh, (looking at me) do we need anything? (Shook my head no).  Nope, we're doing just fine."

"No problem.  You're daughter is just beautiful and has been such a trooper for your wife."

"Thank you.  She's a brave one"

"You let me know if you need anything, m'kay?"

At this point, I was beginning to catch on.  Not my husband.  He was super impressed with the care of the nursing staff.  He was about to open his mouth and say so when our nurse walks in and closes the door.

"This is highly inappropriate to be telling you, but all the girls at the nursing station cannot get over how handsome your husband is.  They have all been gathered at the nurse's station waiting to catch a glimse."

Sure enough, when I stepped out to use the restroom there were about 8 nurses/staff workers sitting there.  I thought some even got a case of whiplash when I opened the door.  Much to their dissappointment, it was just a pregnant lady looking for the bathroom.  Too bad for them.  Thankfully, they were all still gathered around when we were dismissed so they got one last glimpse of the stud holding his little girl.  But, this time they got the back view.  Trust me.  It's almost as good as the front.  Almost.


  1. Yes, he's a hottie. He takes my breath away and so do you and the rest of your beautiful little family. If they only knew his heart was a thing to behold as well. He's going to love your blog today. :)

  2. Just imagine if they knew there is another one!! Though I can tell who is Steven and who is Renee because they do look ever so slightly different. They are a couple of hotties! Love your mom's comment too! Lol.
