Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's THE Day

It's hard to talk about so I'll just show you pictures.

{A good scrub down the night before his first day}

 {Daddy and Little Man.  He's so happy about starting school}

{He was getting busy on the puzzles} 

{Grammy and Little Man.  He's just a few classroom's down from her room. 
Can you tell she's excited?}

Maybe I'll be able to share the details of his first day tomorrow after I hear them from him of course.  We'll see if I can see my computer screen through my tears.  Tears over my boy growing up.  We're so excited for him, but sure do wish we could keep him little forever.


  1. I'm so excited for Little Man. Hopefully he'll drop by and tell Grammy hello. I can't wait to hear about his first day. I'm praying for you all.

  2. So cute!! Where is the picture of you and little man? Post in NOW!! Please and thank you!

  3. He is so cute Amanda! I hope his first day was wonderful!
