Friday, August 26, 2011

I Survived {Little Man's First Day}

After much fretting, I did it. I not only survived Little Man's first day of school, but I did well.  He walked right in and started playing with what he was most excited about, the kitchen area.  What can I say?  He's watched (and helped) me make dinner one too many times.  I've said it once and I'll say it again, he will make his wife very happy one day.

I didn't even cry.  Maybe a little emotional, but no tears.  He was too happy for me to cry for him.  Of course I missed him deeply, but time went by fast.  He's on his second day today, but here's his first day photos.

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  1. Just look at all that love around him. How could he have anything but a wonderful new beginning? I am so blessed by the way you are training your children and surrounding them with love and support.
