Friday, August 12, 2011

A Very Bad Habit

Pinterest is becoming a bad habit.  A very bad habit.  Case in point.  It was a leisurely Wednesday late afternoon.  I was beginning dinner preparations so we could all rush out the door to make it to church on time.  Making it to church on Wednesdays is usually a feat.  We have to be there by 6:15 to volunteer, which means we need to leave no later than 5:50.  This makes it difficult when Steven doesn't even get home from work until 5:30. Since he has just enough time to cram dinner down his throat, it is my duty to prepare dinner with 3 kids all the while getting Chunky Monkey ready to go home, and my two presentable for church.

I tell you all this so you can really see how much of a monster Pinterest has caused in me.  If all of the items above weren't enough, I decided to add just one more thing to my list.  As I was standing over the oven, this mental picture came to mind...

In my head I thought, I have all these ingredients.  What I wasn't thinking in my head was, I don't have time to be making these.  I let my stomach do my thinking.  That's a very scary thing.  So I made them.  Unfortunately, they didn't turn out as scrumptious as I expected.  Mainly because I overmixed the batter making them more like Apple Cinnamon Cookies instead of Apple Cinnamon Donuts.  But would I have another go at them again?  Yes.  Just not on church night.

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