Thursday, July 7, 2011

He Peed

You see this precious little thing...
I sure do love him.  He brings us so much joy everyday with all the off the wall goof ball stuff he's done.  Like the time we were at Just Between Friends and he shouts, "That lady has a BIG booty."  That wasn't embarrassing at all.  Or the time I had to call Cox and to tell them I would need a new modem.  I was trying really hard to avoid mentioning the reason why my modem had shorted out.  It went something like this...

Cox Guy: Thank you for calling Cox.  How can I assist you today?

Me: Well, I think I need a new modem.  One for our home phone and internet.

Cox Guy:  Okay, we can get that taken care of.  Mmmm.  I see your modem was a new install less than 6 months ago.  Is there a specific reason why it is no longer working?

MeSomething happened to it because it has an electrical burning smell.

Cox Guy:  Ma'am, the only reason for that smell would be if it got wet, and it shorted out.  Did you have any liquid around the modem?

MeWelllll, I didn't, but my son sort of did.

Cox Guy:  Was it a sippy cup or something, because it would need to have a full on spill before it would short out?  Just trying to find the cause.

MeIf you must know, my son peed on it.

Cox Guy:  He what?

Me:  (holding my face in my hands)  He peed on it.

Cox Guy:  Hold on just a moment (doesn't technically put me on hold just pulls the phone piece away so he can speak to his co-workers).  (Muffled).  This lady's son just peed on her modem.

(Laughter from a multitude of Cox workers)

Cox Guy:  Okay, ma'am.  Yes, that would do the job.  I'll have someone come out today to replace it for you.

MeThank you, sir.

End Scene

Yes, that really happened.  Yes, I was embarrassed.  No, it didn't help that he not only told his co-workers, but he made sure to put it on the work order.  Yes, I got to relive the whole story again while the young worker tried to keep a straight face. No, I don't think he had kids.  Yes, I think I was a walking form of birth control for this guy.

Isn't having kids so fun?  I think every parent has a story like this, so what's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Zack was so used to being at the lake and outside all the time that he would just pee outside a lot. So one day we are at the Tulsa Zoo and we are playing around in the children's area and I am getting Emilee down from the slide and I hear this mom saying "honey don't look over there, that little boy is peeing!" and sure enough I look over and it is MY son with his little willie hanging out peeing at the park in the middle of everyone! I hollered at my mom and said "go get that little boy"!
