Monday, June 27, 2011

Menu Monday

I cannot believe this is the last week of June.  The older I get the faster time flies by me.  My babies aren't so much babies anymore and my 6 pack abs, well, those were two kids ago.  Man, that was the good life.  Walking around with a great set of abs.  Now I do my SIL's trick of pulling my pants over my belly roll when I sit down, and pretend there wasn't anything hanging over to begin with.  I bet you weren't expected to get all that when you directed yourself over here today.  Honestly, I can't believe I just divulged that information so freely and within the first paragraph.  Oh well.  It's just you and I'm just me.

This week's menu has one of the items I posted last week that I wanted to try.  A few comments left by some lovely readers attested to its yumminess (yes, I just made that word up), so we will be having here at the Casa de Torres.  I hope you all have a great week full of sweating to death since it's gonna be a doozy of a week here in our area!

Monday-Creamy Chicken Spaghetti Casserole, Fresh Green Beans, Italian Bread
Tuesday-BBQ Meatballs, Corn Casserole, Peas
Wednesday-Pizza (using this dough and sauce) and Salad
Thursday-Killer Club Sandwiches and Homemade Sweet Potato Fries
Friday-Hamburgers/Hot Dogs and Corn on the Cob
Saturday-Sweet and Sour Chicken, Brown Rice, and Broiled Peppers and Onions
Sunday-Dinner at my mama's


  1. I also tuck in my muffin top! But I really have do not!

    I am trying that Sweet & Sour Chicken! Looks yummy!

    Hope you have a great week sweating to death also :-)

  2. Hey, dear one, I saw guys checking you out on the beach. You may be the mother of 2, but you still are a hottie. Muffin Top? No way!!!
