Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Guest Post From...Good Girl Gone Glad

Hi there everyone!
 I'm Jesse from Good Girl Gone Glad and am excited to be here today guest posting for Amanda!

What do you do with all of that special art work your sweet little ones make for you? Well today I am going to give you some ideas. I am a big fan of making large gallery walls of photos, like this one.

{via pure style}

 Why not take that same concept, large or small, and use our children's art. I have a small area in my hallway, but I think this would be fun wall decor if you have a game room. It add such life to any space.


I know frames can get pricey, so another options is making an art line. You can make one super simple with a line of twine or ribbon and some clothes pins.


Last summer at my twins birthday party we made handprints on small flat canvases. I really wanted a fun way to display them so I took large clothes pins and cut some command strips to size and attached them to the back of each clothes pin. Hung them on the wall as a fun way to display the hand prints. {Easy removal with the command strips too}

And if you have some photo editing software you might be able to whip up something like this. Where you can combine 18 pictures into 1.

I don't know about you but seeing all of the sweet little things they make puts a smile on my face. Why not have it out where you can enjoy it?



  1. Cute ideas! I found some ideas on a blog the other day and I think I am going to do it in my 16 month olds room. He brings home a lot of neat artwork using his hand/foot prints.

  2. Thanks girl for having me! Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
