Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Banana Papers Giveaway

I'm fairly certain Jamie of Banana Papers would strangle me with this next giveaway if she still had it in her possession because my photog skills are lacking just a bit.  For some reason, I just couldn't convey all the cuteness this fabric bunting contains.  If I were Ashley Ann of Under the Sycamore I'd find the most inventive way to string this craftiness and take a picture of it, but I'm not. I'm Amanda Torres of Torres Tidbits and it takes me months to finish an old window pane.  Please do not let my lack of skills sway you into not entering this giveaway.

Without further ado, here's what you could win...

A truly one of a kind Red Fabric Bunting from Jamie of Banana Papers.

{Try not to be jealous of the sheer awesomeness of my photos}

Banana Papers' Etsy shop is currently closed because Ms. Jamie is too busy renovating the most adorable house.  When I say adorable, I mean it.  I literally walked from room to room picking my jaw up off the floor admiring her taste and creativity.  I do hope she reopens her store in the future, and I can reassure you I will let you know if she does.  For now, we'll just give away one of her last items.

In order to win this Red Fabric Bunting* you need to answer one question by leaving a comment on this blog or the link that posts to Facebook.  If you get it wrong, you get disqualified.  No pressure, right?  Okay here's the question...

What color underwear am I wearing right now?

Kidding!  I wouldn't do that to you (or me).  I really want to know...

If you win this giveaway, what do you plan to do with it?

I always marvel at other people's ideas when it comes to decorating, so fess up.  I want to know details people. 

*Giveaway ends Sunday, June 19th @ midnight. Winner will be announced on Monday, June 20th


  1. This is Steven,Amanda husband. I normally don't read or leave comments on da wife's blog, but since I was up at 6:30 this morning on my vacation because my kids wake up early I thought I would check out her blog. If I were 2 win I would begin 2 decorate our spare room. It would be the center piece of da room. Don't know why I leaving a comment because Amanda just told me I can't win.

  2. Ohmygoodness. I planned on hanging a bunting of some sort in my closet to liven things up a bit since I dislike it (it being 90% of my clothes) in there. My love birds painting I made in there would go with it nicely and I am looking for just the right contact paper to line my shoe shelves! Yep, I would hang it in my closet, and where ever else I see fit!

  3. Super cute! I'm thinking it would be fun in the kids room! =)

  4. It's Amanda. Totally disregard my husband's comment. He can't win. We're related. He's a big nerd, but I sure do love him!

  5. that I can comment. I would put this over the window in my kitchen. It is the corner where the sink is. Or in my office.


  6. @ Steven...BAHAHAHA!!! How unfortunate that you can't win! I would really love to see how you would choose to creatively utilize the bunting for the center piece of your spare room! :-)

  7. So cute! I would use it as an accent around it
    Our patio table outside and host a festive 4th of July BBQ for family and friends :)
