Monday, June 13, 2011

F.I.T. Boot Camp Giveaway

I'm not gonna lie.  I don't enjoy working out.  I enjoy the feeling after working out, but not the feeling during.  A couple months back I began taking a boot camp class with Miranda Burcham.  Miranda is known in our area as the personal trainer for Danny Cahill, Broken Arrow, OK's Biggest Loser Winner.  Shortly after I began her classes she had a short blonde cutie pie sub for her.  I really didn't think there would be anyone who could work me as hard as Miranda, but I stood corrected. Erica of F.I.T Boot Camp killed my arms, legs, and abs.  She has me up and running at 6am two times during the week.

I can fully attest that Erica knows how to motivate, encourage, and work your body like nobody's business.  Even though this is her business, she takes a very personal interest in all of her clients.  With that said, when I asked Erica if she would be willing to donate one week's worth of boot camps sessions, she said, "How about 2 weeks?"  She how great she is!

Here are the details of what ONE lucky winner will receive...

A two week pass to F.I.T Boot Camp. You can attend all or any of the four weekly classes.  Classes are held in Broken Arrow @ the Renaissance Park Practice Fields (33rd and 204th). 
Class times are as follows:

Mon: 5:30 am-6:15 am
Tues: 7:30 pm-8:15 pm
Wed: 5:30 am-6:15 am
Thurs: 7:30 pm-8:15 pm

To enter this giveaway, you need to answer this question...

"On a scale of 1-10, how's your workout routine been lately? 
0=Non-existent, and 10=I'm ready for that Ironman

You can leave a comment on this blog OR on the link that posts on Facebook (I know many of you say it's hard to post on here).  Contest ends Sunday, June19th @ midnight.  Winner will be announced Monday, June 20th.

If you are interested in contacting Erica to join her summer special, you can email her at


  1. I am at a zero, zilch, nada right now!! Please pick me!!

  2. That is so awesome! I would say I'm at a 1...started working out a few weeks ago but then fell back out of it, allowing other things to take priority. I know you probably know how hard it is to prioritize yourself with little ones :) My goal this week was to get going again.

  3. I'd say I'm about a five and getting kinda bored lately. Not sure I could handle a boot camp, but I'd love to give it a try!

  4. Not sure how to include my contact info. It's cherimays at cox dot net. Thanks!

  5. I will sign up but I can only make the Tuesday and Thursday night classes. :-(
    I would say I am at a 5 maybe. I exercise 3-4 times a week during my lunch break for about an hour. I do some cardio and weight lifting. But I don't diet or watch what I eat. So basically I exercise so I can eat :-)

  6. Im a 1.2 I'm trying to get back to my fit days of my past but need a jump start!!!! Trying to get back into shape to get ready to try to start a family would love to win the boot camp giveaway!!!!!

  7. I'm at ZERO. I haven't worked out in at least four years! I'm very intimidated about working out with others around, but would like to win just bc it sounds so great! I'd love to get back into shape and lose some lbs. I hope I win :)

  8. I'm doing pretty well. I usually go to Jazzercise 3 times a week and run 3 times a week, but I've not been doing so great since I got back from Virginia!
