Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Skinny on Skinny Jeans

I did it.  I finally broke down and purchased some skinny jeans.  I've tried several pairs on over the last year and I just can't commit to buying them.  At first they reminded me of the days of French rolling jeans.  Back in the early 90's boys and girls would pinch their jeans at the leg opening, fold it over with a crease, and then tightly roll them up.  Like this...
Skinny jeans just reminded me too much of this look.  After a long year of seeing some of the cutest little things pulling off skinny jeans, I purchased my first pair.  Along with the first pair, I also purchased an extra loooong cardigan.  Why you ask?  Well, I've got me a fairly large bootay for my fairly small frame.  Yes, this white chic has a ghetto booty.  The cardigan gave me ego a little cushion for trying to pull off the skinny jean.

After a couple of weeks I got a little more confident sporting my skinny jeans.  Slowly, I incorporated shorter and shorter tops.  Like mid-drift tops.  Completely kidding!  No one wants to see me in a mid-drift that's for sure, but I did go with a belt length sweater. Not too bad. The way the length hit with a longer tank underneath slimmed my gigantic backside.

My next attempt of donning the skinny jean was with a longer flowy top that conveniently rested on my hips.  Bad idea.  I repeat, B-A-D idea.  Unfortunately, I decided to wear this to church.  Church mornings are little chaotic so I didn't even take a full glance at my disastrous fashion choice until I went into the restroom with a full length mirror at church.  What was I thinking???  A shirt resting on my hips?  Let's just try to accentuate the biggest area on my body.  I looked like a gigantic pear.  Seriously, just look at my picture.  I'm the girl on the right...

Thankfully, we sit for most of church and the lighting is dim.  So let this be a lesson to you ladies.  If you are considering the skinny jean and you happen to carry your weight in your lower half, at least find a top that doesn't make your butt look five times larger than it is, and that's all I have to say about that.  Now I've got to go take my own advice and figure out how I get myself out of these jeans.


  1. A boy (Philip was his name) in 7th grade told me I had a bubble butt. Too bad you don't tend to embrace those types of things until much later in life. I think it's sad that picture of Katie was taken like only a year ago!!

  2. Hmmm, I know you were really rockin' that belly baring top! ;) Really, I just tried some skinny jeans this season too. I like the jeggings from American Eagle. THey have pocket and a zipper and look just like jeans with more stretch. I am with you though. I like to cover the booty a bit. =)

  3. You are hilarious! You are a far cry from the girl on the right! It has taken me a L-O-N-G time to buy them too. I only have 2-3 shirts I wear with my 1 pair! I don't shop alot, but I shopped for a while trying to find the "perfect pair" Frustrating! Where did you find yours? Maybe I would like those jeggings that Jesse talked about....
