Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Monday

It's Monday.  Again.  I really don't mind Mondays.  It's a fresh start to a new week.  A new week to accomplish great things.  At least that's how I like to start out a week.  Optimism brings great things.  Therefore, I try to be optimistic.

My grocery budget has been more than I'm comfortable with for this month, so I did the little pantry/fridge/freezer shopping and got creative.  This allowed me to only buy a few items this week bringing my monthly grocery budget back under control.  Good thing for the bottom line, but bad thing for those of you looking for something new this week.  Fortunately for you, my imaginary BFF (The Pioneer Woman) post fresh new recipes on her site.  Please feel free to visit her, and tell her I said hello ;)

Monday-Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Tuesday-Lasagna, Garden Salad, Cheesy Bread
Wednesday-French Toast, Sausage Patties, and Eggs
Thursday-BBQ Quesadillas, Grilled Veggies, Homemade Rolls
Friday-Lemon Seasoned Grilled Drumsticks, Corn Casserole, Fruit Salad
Saturday-Sandwich Melt, Sweet Potato Slices
Sunday-Dinner at my Mama's!


  1. I am doing the same thing this week. Trying to shop in the pantry. In the mood for simple simple things this week. Hope you had a great weekend!
