Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Biggest Loser

This is going to be a super short post today.  I'm typing this out as I'm watching The Biggest Loser.  I absolutely love this show.  It's the only show I sit down and watch on a weekly basis.  We don't have DVR (gasp), so I actually have to sit down and watch it on it's regularly scheduled time.  Some weeks I miss it, and it throws me into a downward spiral.  My whole week gets off balance.  After all, I center my week around watching people sweat, cry, and reveal their deepest fears about being overweight.  I engaged myself so much into these people's lives I sometimes cry with them.  I cry all the while eating my bowl of ice cream, or plate of cookies.  Yeah, I said it.  I eat unhealthy food while watching people complete the hardest workouts of their life.  I also make mental notes to try out some of their workouts while taking scrumptious bites of brownies.   There is something seriously wrong with me, but I don't have time to figure that out right now.  The extra butter popcorn just finished popping in the microwave.


  1. since you have internet, you can watch it online for FREE the next day. That's how I watch a bunch of my shows! Just go to or or even

  2. You are so funny! I've never seen the show, but hear people talk about it all the time.
