Monday, February 28, 2011

Menu Monday

This is a special week.  This week I turn 30.  Again.  Yes, I'm going to stick to that story because 31 just doesn't sound as cool.  Ah heck, I have two kids.  Who am I kidding?  Cool went out the window the moment the car seat was installed in the back of my car.

Since it's my birthday week, I am fortunate to have a few celebrations.  All of which I have strategically scheduled during dinner hours.  Sometimes I just marvel at my own geniusness. that even a word? 

Monday-Butter Chicken served over bowtie noodles, Mixed Greens Salad
Tuesday-Sandwich Melts with Sweet Potato Fries
Wednesday-Birthday Dinner @ my Mama's (T-Bone Steaks.  She loves me)
Thursday-Smoked Salmon, Broc-n-Cheese, Homemade Parker Rolls
Friday-BBQ Pork Chops, Corn Casserole, Fruit Salad
Saturday-Dinner @ Ciao's
Sunday-Mexican Lasagna (this is a new one for us, I'll let you know how it turns out), Mexi Rice and Black Beans


  1. is the Mexican Lasagna your making from Pastor Ryan? He is a friend of Pioneer Woman and it is delicious!!! It has rice and beans in it.

  2. Yay for birthdays!! I just turned 31, it's not so bad. =) Happy early birthday!
