Friday, February 25, 2011

10 Things About Moi

Thank you so much for your comments about my house.  Any suggestions you have for me are well received.  Sarah, left a comment yesterday about Young House Love, and I am in love.  In fact, you might see a few replicas of their ideas.  Replica...yes, that's sounds better than stealing their ideas.

Moving on to today, I am blown away at the amount of people who actually visit this site on a daily basis.  At first this was written for our out of state family, and it has turned into so much more.  I am so thankful for people who are willing to read my writing.  I would someday love to be a writer, since I enjoy writing very much, but the idea frightens me a bit.  Maybe one day, I'll get an idea of what to write about and it won't seem so scary. 

Since there are some readers who visit this who are essentially strangers, I would like to share a few facts about me so you can get to know me even better. You'll get exactly 10 facts.  But, no more.  I just can't give anymore because I'm a secretive person.  Not really.  I'm a pretty open book.  There are very few things I keep protected, so chances are if you keep reading this blog, you'll eventually know almost everything about me.  Whoa...that's a scary thought for you.  So I won't scare you off today, I'll just share my 10.  Here ya' go...

10 Facts About Amanda Torres
{Yes, this is me.  However, frightening I might be. Portrait by Little Man}
  1. I am a Christian.  It's the single best decision I ever made.  I'll share more about this next week.
  2. I sing loudly in the car.  I'm fairly certain my children are tone deaf because they never complain, and I am NOT a good singer.
  3. Smacking is my #1 pet peeve.  If you are smacking around me, chances are I am not listening to what you have to say.  Instead, I'm staring at you thinking how in the world I could get you stop without reaching in and grabbing whatever's in your mouth.
  4. My husband smacks.  It's our biggest marital issue.  Seriously.
  5. I long for alone time.  Fantasies of driving in my car and leisurely walking in and out of shops by myself is very appealing to me.  It's the little things that make me happy.
  6. Despite Steven's perpetual smacking, he is my best friend.
  7. All of my friend's have husbands that are their best friends.  I appreciate that about them, and it's probably why I'm close with each one of them.
  8. If I could travel anywhere in the world, the destination would involve some exotic beach.  Beaches make my heart happy.
  9. I used to have a 6 pack.  A real one on my stomach, not the kind you buy at the store.  Two kids stole that cherished part of my body and left me with a pocket of fat that I often cover up with the waistband of my pants.  My lovely SIL taught me that trick.
  10. I sometimes have writer's block and end up disclosing my secrets to complete strangers for lack of better things to write.  That is the main reason I shared #9 with you.  I was running out of things to discuss.  Well, at least now you know.  If I ever run into you in public and you're staring at my stomach, I might have to hurt you.  Especially if you have a cutesy little tummy.
Happy Friday!


  1. Yes that is a good trick I have used for many years. My pants have to fit in just the right spot so they can hide my love handles (oh it hurt to type that). Gives me nice smooth lines. No low rise pants here!

  2. At least you can say you had a six pack, lol! Four kids stole darn near every ab muscle I ever had and thanks to Yoga I'm getting them back! Cute little thieves! I stumbled upon your blog and it was so well written, which is why I follow!
