Friday, January 7, 2011

Your Circumstances Can Change

First off, I'm sorry I'm just now getting this post up.  The Mr. had some work to do last night and thus I got pushed aside.  Yes, I'm crying.  I think somebody needs to call the Whaaaambulance.  I'll get over it.

The three part blog series on Becoming a Stay at Home Mom is over.  I was a little nervous sharing exactly how we managed and the process I went through to get where I am today, but after all the feedback it was worth it.  The best part, God used what he did for us to bless even more people!  I can't even begin to tell you of all the emails, phone calls, and comments I have received.  Listening to your stories is amazing!  Please keep me in touch if you are believing God for something big in your life.  I would love to hear all about it!

Now, onto today's post.  I have no doubt if you've had your television on for any period of time this week you've heard about Ted Williams.  A homeless man living on the streets of Columbus, OH gets an opportunity to use his God given voice.  In a matter of a week, his appearance and circumstances have changed dramatically.  Just take a look at this...

The coolest part of this story is this man was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and now is two years sober.  This is such a perfect example of how your life can change in an instant.  Seize those opportunities to change.  Be ready at a moments notice for what may come your way, and don't be afraid.  Good things can come to you when you least expect it.


  1. I LOVED reading about Ted. What an amazing story!

    Thanks for the note you left. I appreciate your words. I plan on discussing everything wtih my hubby soon. Of course, if we had the choice, I would be at home, but we don't feel as though we have the choice. But, photography is a huge hobby of mine, which one day I hope to become a business, so maybe that can be my income?! Thanks so much for your kind words!

  2. Hey Amanda. It's Ashley "Brown" here. Dont know if you knew/remember me but we went to school together, since 6th grade (I even had 8th grade Algebra with Steven)! Well I have been reading your blog for about 6 months now since I came across it from Ashley Campbell's. I have used some of your recipes and learned some things about reading with my daughter, and many other things! Anywho, I enjoy reading everything you throw out there!

  3. Hey Ashely! Yes, I do remember you and that's saying a lot. I am really bad about putting names and faces together (unless it's kid related)! How are you?

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Don't you just love Ashley Campbell's blog? She is beyond amazing. I feel honored that we even went to school with her!

  4. I am doing great! Well aside from struggling with working full time since having our daughter 3 years ago. It has been getting worse, and I know you totally get it! I think a big change needs to happen and I will be seriously researching working from home. So thanks for your recent post! Yours and a few others I have come across has set my sights on it! Oh and yes Ashley is amazing!

  5. Josh and I were just talking about this story! Really awesome!!
