Monday, January 10, 2011

Menu Monday

I'm not quite sure if you know this, but I love The Pioneer Woman.  I really do.  She's witty and yummy.  And by yummy, I mean she makes yummy things.  So many yummies that 5 of the menu items come from either her creations or Tasty Kitchen (a website she created).  I heart you, Pioneer Woman.  I dream of staying in your lodge and watching you cook.  Caressing your ovens and running my extremely dry dishpan hands over your gorgeous countertops.  What?  Was that too much information?

Monday-Bacon Parmesan Pasta, Parmesan Breadsticks, Spinach Salad
Tuesday-Lemon Pepper Chicken Quarters & Spring Potato Toss
Wednesday-Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole & Honey Butter Bread
Thursday-Grilled Chicken with Lemon Basil Pasta, Italian Style Green Beans, and Garden Salad
Friday-Make Your Own Pizza Night
Saturday-Baked Chicken, Olive Garden Style Salad, Peas, Fruit Salad
Sunday-Buttered Chicken served with white rice, Perfect Potatoes au Gratin, and The Bread

Yep, it's kind of a carb-o-holic menu this week.  You would think I was preparing to run a marathon, but I'm not.  I'll be good if I even squeeze in 3 miles this week.  How in the world did I go from running 15 miles a week to 3, I don't know.  I have issues.  That's the only logical explanation.  Have a great week!


  1. yay for carb-o-holic meals.....right up my alley! I'm a runner--and I've made the goal to run 500 miles this year. so. fun! it keeps me on track when, like you, I realize my running has gone by the wayside :) (hey--that way we can eat more carbs, right?!)

  2. I love PW too! Alan has a friend who's sister Gina has gone to her Lodge TWO times!!! TWICE! No fair :-(

  3. Laurie, thanks for stopping by today. I checked out your blog...super cute and I love your topics!!! I pretty much run/workout so I can eat all the carbs I want. Probably not the healthiest thing, but still...I love breads.

    Alice, if I were Gina I would wear a shirt that said, "I've been to The Lodge...TWICE! Have you?" Seriously, I would.
